Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Carpet & a crib!

Pat is on a roll! The carpet was installed Monday and we put the crib together that night...I know he did it just for me since he wasn't feeling well, he's a keeper :) Since then I washed the bedding and put it in but of course my pics aren't of that. Here's what I have so far, he's putting the closet organizer in today so I can start emptying the bins of stuff into the room.

Had another appt yesterday and all is well. He isn't moving as much so the OB had me do a "kick"count" last night and of course the little bugger passed with flying colors. So nothing again for 2 weeks!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

28 weeks

Every 2 weeks or so I will take a belly pic no matter how much I hate it :P

Sunday, February 15, 2009


Just a few pics of the paint...Pat is doing the closet paint today and then we just wait for the carpet man. (Monday!) My patience is running out (and Pat just complemented me on it the other day LOL) I want to get in there and start putting stuff together!!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Hello Third Trimester!!

We had an ultrasound yesterday and Baby Boy's (still no name for this poor kid) heart is perfect and everything is measuring right where it should!! They guessimated his weight to be 2 lbs 4 oz and he is head down right now and it was nice to see what part of him is kicking/punching me :)

Here are a few pictures from the ultrasound but I added all of them to the Kodak album and I will post a new link.

Oh and my placenta moved which is also very good news!

Monday, February 9, 2009

I've been tagged

The Rules of this Game:
1. Go to where you store your digital photos and open the 4th folder.

2. Post the 4th picture in that folder.

3. Explain the picture.

4. Tag 4 people.

Here's my 4th photo. This the first bucket set I made. You can't see the "set" part in this photo but it usually includes a hooded towel, mitt and bib. I made this for my friend Erin and her daughter Clarissa :)

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

And we are primed

and ready for paint! Plus a couple belly pics at 26 more week until the 3rd trimester!!! The new carpet come in a week so the painting should done by then!