Thursday, April 16, 2009

The nursery!

The nursery is done (except for maybe a rug...not sure yet) and I love it! Pat did such a wonderful perfect's exactly what I had in mind. So we are almost ready, I'm going to rewash some stuff because we have had some wind and the dust that came in is crazy...going to have to make sure that window is closed when it is windy like that. Anyway, here's a link to the pics..

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

One Month!

It's April 14th so exactly one month until my EDD...crazy. Here's pic...I don't feel that big but wow! (oh and yes I chopped the it!!!)

Thursday, April 9, 2009

I know I know...

No picture in a while...I keep forgetting! No really, it's not that I feel like a whale, I really keep forgetting. I will try and remember to get Pat to take one tonight.

Meanwhile, here are a few pics of the boy. We had our growth scan last Tuesday and everything looks perfect! He is an estimated 5 lbs 14 oz, is head down ready for action and was sucking his hand...not his thumb but his hand. You could see his cheeks sucking away :) And about those cheeks...if the tech said once she said it a thousand times "Looks at those chubby cheeks". Poor boy has momma's cheeks LOL

I start weekly appointments after my next appt on the 21st and I also get to enjoy twice weekly monitoring (Non Stress Tests) on top of that because of my age. My ancient age of 35 :P