Thursday, August 27, 2009

Mt Lemmon

We went to Mt Lemmon for the first time 2 weeks ago...he's a couple pics and a couple of the onesie my mom brought back from Maine.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

This morning

I put Colin in the onesie that my friend Erin sent him. He now sees the camera and just stares so we had to bring Daddy in for a smile.

Monday, August 24, 2009

More pics

You can't say that I'm not keeping up on pics! Not much going on here...he is drooling and chewing more than ever. We are trying to decide how to change his eating habits, guess that's a question for the pediatrician in a few weeks (4 months!) He is a grazer...2 oz here, 4 oz there and it's like he's never full. Miss Lisa at daycare says we need to force a schedule but do we just let him scream because that's what he does...maybe she can listen to it but Mommy has trouble :(

And yes we spike his hair when we are going to hit the town LOL

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Monday, August 10, 2009

Professional pics

We took Colin to JC Penny for his 3 month pics and he was not impressed. He did not cooperate and we only got a couple shots...but I guess it was memorable! Here are the good ones and I threw the one of him crying in there because it's cute :P Oh and this is the LAST collar shirt he will be wearing for a pic...those collars are annoying!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

3 Months!!

I can't believe Colin is 3 has flown by. He is such a happy baby, he doesn't nap but he gives us a good 8-10 hrs straight at night so it's hard to complain :)

We will have height and weight next month at his appointment. We think he has gotten even longer..he is just a BIG boy! Looking at these pictures your probably are thinking of the Michelin Man but I swear he doesn't look like that in real life!

New things...he's getting better at belly time, still cries but takes longer to get to that point :) He has found his hands and that has replaced any toy we could possibly give him. He is talking more and squeals when he is really happy. I think he laughed out loud a little at Nana last night but we will need a repeat before I can beleive what I heard. He holds his head up pretty good and when we have him in the sitting position he doesn't scream and is noticing that he can see so much more!

The key to a happy Colin? FANS If there is a fan in the room you are will get smile after smile. As soon as I get a vido camera I will try to get this because it is ridiculous how happy fans make him.

Monday, August 3, 2009


Well, Colin is 3 months old tomorrow...I will have more pics and a update then :)