Colin had his 2 month checkup on Friday. And I slightly remember us worrying about his weight at one point right? Well not are my big boy's stats:
Weight: 14 lb 1 oz (95th percentile)
Height: 25.5 inches (100+ percentile if there was one)
We knew he was long but Pat and I both guessed around 12 lbs for the weight, boy were we surprised! She said that these numbers could even out though because he's still young and there are tons of growth spurts between 2 & 4 months. Next appt in September!
And of course there were shots :( Yes he screamed but I breastfed him right away and he calmed down. Mommy handled it very well, just one tear...and trust me that's GREAT LOL He was smiles the rest of the day and I think they finally hit him on Sunday because he slept all day and then last night he slept 9+ hours (I had to leave for work with him still sleeping SOB!)
Sorry no pics...I will work on that and download a few that I have on my camera.